Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Other Stuff

Also - much thanks to everyone who sent me cards and presents; they all arrived a few days after my birthday, and were very appreciated.

I'm on placement now and will be for the next 3 weeks or so. I get lunch for free (which I'd previously been told didn't exist), so that is nice. I'm also having to talk Swedish, because the children only speak and understand Swedish. All I can really do at the moment are basic "What is your name? What is that?" phrases.

Also, on the train, there was an advert which started off saying 'Hallå där', which I guess means 'Hello there'. It's pronounced 'Hallor dair' - say it out loud. Go on, say it, and try telling me you're not actually just saying 'Hello there' in an Irish accent.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Hahaha, no, I was thinking "Harro Dare" in a Kim Jong Il of Team America kind of voice. But there were Ls in it, so obviously I was wrong.

On a completely unrelated subject, Sophie will be gone by the time you get back.