Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Mystery Deepens

According to Dmytro, the Ukrainian (really nice guy - left 2 days after I got here, to go back home for 2 weeks, and he just got back yesterday; stayed up for about an hour last night just chatting to him in the kitchen), the drilly people are in fact fixing Mohsin's room, because there's lots of water damage there. Only in his room, not anywhere else.

In other news, I was chewing some gum (that's mad, I nearly wrote 'chooing'), and suddenly something was crunchy. I'm not sure whether a filling has crumbled, or my tooth is eroding, but either way it's not good.

I'd better get on with some work. When I log in (or 'logga in') to Blogspot, it's all in Swedish now. I just did the spellcheck on this post, and only about 5 words weren't considered spelling errors.

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