Thursday, April 05, 2007


I’m not enjoying myself here fully at the moment. I guess it’s because I’ve been alone this week, and Tamsin has been somewhere where she has no access to a computer, so I’ve not been getting an e-mail from her every day. But I feel quite homesick. I want to say “OK, this was fun, I’ve gone to a different country and it’s been wacky and different and I’ve taken pictures and got a few stories to tell. Now I want to go back home.” I feel like I’m disappointing anyone reading this, by saying that. Like it’s my duty to have a good time here. I was reading a thing on the Uni website, and it had quotes from foreign students saying “Coming here really changed my life, it’s the best thing I ever did”, and things like that. If someone at Canterbury asks me to talk up the experience to the first years in October, I won’t really know what to say. “Yeah, it’s alright, but you have to do more work, and the grant they give you isn’t enough to cover the accommodation, let alone the flight.” I’ll enjoy it next week, I’m sure of it. I’ve just been really bored this week. I’ve got assignments to do, and I don’t really know where to start. I want to be in my room in Canterbury, with Dominique knocking on my door every few minutes, bringing in her laptop so that we can help each other. Because if I fall behind with these assignments, it’ll be awful pulling an all-nighter by myself. The problem with trying to get on with work, isn’t that there are a lot of distractions; it’s that there are no rewards. There’s no “If I do x amount of words by whatever time, then I can...”

As I say, it’s just the way I’m feeling right now; I’m not having a bad time here, by any means. I’ve quite enjoyed the little things as well, like just having a glass of whisky to sip whilst watching Champions League football on the TV in the kitchen. I’m just a bit bored, and I don’t want to do my assignments!

1 comment:

Allie said...

Aww Tim, I wish you were coming back too. I miss your singing. I keep getting the STD song in my head. Just think, while you're in Sweden, you're not having to spend time with you-know-who. When are you back?