Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tempting Fate

Yeah, alright, it was my fault for saying yesterday "There hasn't been a cloud in the sky since I got here." The sky is covered with clouds, but it's still pretty warm - I've still got my gigantic Swedish window open.
Juliette was asking if I've managed to catch any of the furor surrounding England's dismal performances; luckily, I've been going on pretty much every day. The BBC have reliably informed me that 'the media' (who they always distance themselves from when it's something bad) have been quite harsh on England, and have riled up the fans, so that they were booing from the outset against Andorra. But then another article talked about how poor England were in said game. Still, as I say, I can listen to Radio5 on the internet here, so I don't feel too cut off from England.

Swedish language point of the day: Slut means end/finish. So when it had the other scores from around Europe rolling along the bottom of the screen in the N.Ireland against Sweden match, it said (slut) next to certain matches. Made me giggle.

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