Monday, March 05, 2007

Fire Alarm

There was a fire alarm at school today. A child from my class's mum set it off - she thought it was a button to open the door. Despite it saying "FIRE ALARM" underneath. So we had to line up outside; it was freeezing cold, and horrible. Although, the temperature did produce my favourite bit of dialogue from today:
Child: Miss, I'm cold.
Teacher: You're cold? Hold my bag.

Also, the fire alarm at this school automatically calls the fire brigade, so they came along; it was quite sweet actually - the children cheered when the fire truck rolled up, and the men got out and ran into the school, one of them carrying an axe - into the school which really, really obviously was not on fire. But apparently they have to check anyway. Even though the woman who accidentally set it off said "Sorry, that was me, I was trying to open the door."

Still, I felt it necessary to write about. I'm getting observed tomorrow. Mental.

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