Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Fox

The Fox & Firkin is fast becoming my favourite place. I've only been there twice in the last few weeks, but both times I've had a lot of fun. I guess, mostly because of things like playing Jenga and drinking 'jagabombs'. I don't really know what they are, but I'm sure the word 'fun' would crop up in their description. I went to the Fox on Saturday night and got well drunk (thank you Ciara) so my memory of certain events is quite hazy. For instance, there was some guy in the toilet calling me an emo, and trying to buy me condoms. I don't reeeaaally remember much else, like the whys, or... whys.
So like, whiskey seems to be my drink of the moment; I don't know what whiskey they serve at the Fox, all I know is that it's better than what they serve at the Basement (which, I believe is Jack Daniels). I don't really want to know though; I don't want to become a whiskey connoisseur, because that's the sort of thing a raging drunk would do. I'm quite happy being a Cheesecake connoisseur - steer clear of Pizza Hut's, but definitely give Tesco's a try; Pizza Express do quite a good one, but it's not quiiite there. For the best, most complete and perfect cheesecake experience, go to Cafe Uno. Seriously.
Anyway, I'm liking the Fox at the moment; spoke to Carl, and he said I could play (don't worry, he has heard my MySpace, so he has the necessary evidence to consider me to be placed under the umbrella of 'adequate'). Might have to wait until the summer though, cos acoustic nights are Sunday nights, which would make getting to Newham in time to be in bed by 10:30 a bit difficult. Although, it has just come to my mind that I could ask to play on the 25th - the day before I go to Sweden. Cos I won't have school the next day. But I will have a plane that leaves at 8:40am... But that will mean I have to get up and leave at some mental hour, so staying awake all night might be better. I'll see what happens.

Anyway, I imagine that post was actually pretty boring to most people. I'll try to write something more exciting soon. School isn't being particularly exciting at the moment. I mean, it's good, and everything is going well, and I'm teaching and it's enjoyable - but there have been less funny stories of late.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

there are men who are large and have body odour issues in the fox but yes there are worse places. I guess I'm a bit of a ponce, I like places that have lots of secondary colours and trendy decor. Think revolution. The "drink every type of flavoured vodka in revvo" game never gets old (until you fall in a canal).a